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That is the name that has been keeping me up at nights recently...

And again, since the legal issues with the other thing...yeah...its time I give you some explanation of why I started this new blog.

I am an undergrad; studying for a Journalism B.A. at John Hopkins in Maryland.  I was working on a research paper for Western Civ course.  I was elbow deep in dusty books down in the bowels of the university library; which was renowned as being among the finest in the world.  You see, the journalist in me is strong, and I was intent on finding some primary sources relating to the Revolutionary War.  I was particularly interested in a shipping company from New York.  I had found some other information that made me think that there was some relation to the other company which has always been the center of my investigations... 
While perusing a particularly large ledger from a small Boston shipyard, I subconsciously picked at the loose threads, causing the cover to begin to slide off.  My. heart. dropped.  I could barely scrape up enough money for a decent latte, never mind pay for some priceless 250 year old manuscript that I had managed to partially destroy.  As I scrambled to pull it back together, a small slip of paper fell from inside the binding of the book.  I held it up to the light, and it appeared to be a receipt for a transaction, paid in full; to secure a cargo ship to transport two large crates from London, to Boston.  The price was at least twice what any ship would have charged in those days.

My first thought was that it was a wealthy local landowner importing goods to avoid taxes, or scrutiny.  Or both. I looked up the name on the library database, to see if there were any other mentions of this


There was nothing, which wasn't unusual for gentry of the time.  The world was more rural then.  And not everybody lived where it was easy to execute law.  So there were folk who slipped through the cracks from time to time. I went through all of the Boston registries for the period, but found nothing.  I expanded my search over the next few days to include other nearby areas: New York, nothing, but then in New Jersey; Bingo.  I found a mention of a book written by an Adadian, that had been recovered in Tuckerton NJ, in an old homestead.  It was filed under "Occult, Misc" and in a massive stroke of luck, stored in the same library in which I was searching.  All of the old Occult manuscripts were kept behind locked door, on an upper floor, in a separate part of the building.  A quick stop at the front desk for the key, and I was off.

I found it without much trouble, at the back of a large, dusty, file box; filed right were it should of been.  Which in retrospect, has been the most disturbing part of this whole thing. 

I was a nobody,  just a basic college student, and I was able to just find this book and open it, without restriction.  There were things written in there which I was never meant to have known.  That day was the rabbit hole, since which I have been Alice herself.  

Through the looking glass, into a world I didn't really ask for, with no way back.   


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